Monday, April 19, 2010

Fun in the Sun

These pictures are of the past few weeks. I don't know why but lately when I post pictures it won't let me post any description of what the pictures are. So I will describe them here :) The 1st on is of Claire and her Great Uncle Mike. (my favorite uncle growing up) As you can see he has a way with kids :)

The next picture is of My cousin Zac, cousin Suz, Me and cousin Macy. We were all in Tennessee.

Then me and my handsome grandpa Gene.

Claire with her Great Aunt Becky

Claire and her Great Grandma, Marlene

Back in Indiana~
Claire and Cooper Kropf. I get to babysit for him a few days a week :) Claire does so good with him. I am sure she will be wonderful with her new brother and sister.

Then there is a picture of Claire and her WONDERFUL therapist Roxanna. Roxanna is a developmental therapist and she has helped Claire learn and grow so much! Claire is now graduated from the 1st steps program which is wonderful that means she is doing everything that a 16 month old should do, but we won't get our weekly visits from Roxanna any more :(

The rest of the pictures are just of Claire having fun around the house on nice spring days :)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Oh, Jolene! Claire is just way too big! PLEASE can we schedule a playdate immediately? I promise (as much as a mom can) that Selah is less of a bully than she used to be :) Also, I need you and Darrin's address. Much love. I miss you. I was so sad you had to cancel Monday night. Love, Danielle