Friday, July 2, 2010

In a bit of panic

Overwhelmed...The excitement of accepting 2 referrals is quickly smothered by the reality of our financial situation. We normally are very private about $. But I feel as if I need to be very honest so that God can work. So here is the reality of our situation.
Darin is an attorney, but he was hired at a firm at the worst of economic times. I actually made more $ as a hairstylist then he is making as an attorney. With that said I am now working 2 days a week so I can stay home with Claire. So we actually are making about as much $ now as we were when Darin was still in school and I was working full time. But now we are on family insurance which is as high as our mortgage, Darin's school loans are also like another mortgage payment for us. We are able to make it monthly. The $ made for these adoptions is coming mostly from fund raising. We had a garage sale a month ago. We basically sold everything in our house that is not of use to us daily. Home decor, clothes, toys, wall hangings, our spare bedroom stuff, books, extra TV's, all of our DVD's, and a lot of stuff people donated, we sold! We made enough for one flight to Ethiopia, but this time we need 4 flights! We are going to have another sale this fall, one last push before we bring them home but to be honest unless we sell our furniture I do not know what else we can sell. LOL But we will try.We also sold T-shirts again that brought in a couple hundred $.
Here is the amazing part of this. Darin and I like to think that we are pretty responsible people. And that we do not just do things with out thinking them forward and backwards. But when it came to these adoptions we basically had zero $. But we both knew God was asking for us to put our faith in Him. And He has shown Himself already through the money we have already raised. We know that God would not let us get this far and then not pull us through. We, as of right now, do not have the money to bring our children home. I know God is about to move a mountain through His people. Please be in prayer for our family!

Now here is a run down of our adoption costs.

Agency fee's ...PAID

$14,000 in country fees..we just sent a check for $7,000 yesterday. The other $7,000 will need to be paid after we pass court and the babies are legally ours. So 7,000 of the $14,000 is PAID

$10,000 for travel...this is where we are not sure where the $ is going to come from.

If you have ever felt the need to help support orphaned children now is your chance. You will be helping bring 2 babies into a loving home. Please prayerfully consider helping. I am humbly asking. Our family is depending on your help.

On the side bar of my blog you can click on the good wish page to donate or click this link.
Just a side note if you are reading this and you have any fund raising ideas I would love to know about them.
God Bless

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