Thursday, August 12, 2010

Internet Hiatus


I have decided to go on a 2 month internet hiatus. I have really been thinking about how to simplify my life lately and what things I can cut out so that I can stay focused on my purpose in this life. And I have realized that the internet soaks up a lot of my time!! I will get on the internet a few times a day…checking to see if I have an email from our adoption coordinator  which there rarely is! I will check face book or surf the web. Time that I could be using to read scripture, pray, clean my house better, cook, be more attentive to family and friends is spend on trying to get on the internet or mindlessly surfing the web.
The reason for 2 months is because as of right now the Ethiopian courts have closed and because of that we will hear nothing about our case for at least 2 months. So with that, if you need to get a hold of me you can give me a call or a text. I am very excited about this and I feel like disconnecting for a little while will be good for me and everyone around me!  Love you all! I will post an update sometime in October. Please remember to keep our family in your prayers.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

You might not get this for awhile with your internet hiatus, but you might have ended it a little early since I just got an e-mail from you :) I just wanted you to know that Selah came over and I showed her Claire's picture and she said, "Is that me?" I guess others aren't the only ones confused about Claire and Selah :)