Tuesday, May 24, 2011


So full.

So full of JOY.
So full of LOVE.
So full of PEACE
So full of EMOTIONS.

So full of THANKS.... I am THANKFUL.

When I look at these pictures I am just so full.

When I think back on our last adoption process, my heart swells with love and appreciation for each and everyone of you who went before our Heavenly Father and prayed for us, for those of you who gave so generously, whether is was donations for our garage sale, MONEY, (which this time around we needed EVERY SINGLE PENNY) hand me down clothes for the kiddos, donations for the orphanages when we traveled, and those of you who allowed us to borrow cameras and suitcases for the trip. I am so thankful for all of you who called, e-mailed, hugged, encouraged, and were just present during in the crazy ups and downs during the hard, hard wait.

I now am so thankful again to each one of you who pour love into our sweet little ones! We are truly blessed and I am in awe of the people God has put into our lives and into their lives. Each one of you has touched our family in such a deep, life altering way that is is hard to put into words.

I look at those pictures and I reflect on the struggles we faced during the process, the heart ache during the wait, the ups and downs, the unknown. I think of it and I am so thankful for all of that hurt we experienced because it makes these pictures and our life now that much more FULL!


Susan said...

You have a beautiful family. So glad you are all home. It was wonderful to meet you in Ethiopia. Hope we meet again soon and I can see your family all together. Congrats!

Sophie said...

your children are absolutely beautiful, gorgeous family!

Renegades said...

You have such cute children and such a wonderful family.

congratulations on it!