I loved them!!! They were the BIGGEST blessing for the past 2 years. And have been THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD the last few days!!!
We have decided Claire is 2 1/2 and old enough to not have that thing in her mouth all the time!!! So we went cold turkey!
Claire was so proud to become a BIG GIRL and say," bye bye" to her paci's.
One night I asked "Claire do you want to go to bed with out your paci tonight? It will make you a big girl." and she said, "yes Mommy." She had NO CLUE WHAT SHE WAS IN FOR! Neither did we....
That night was OK Darin held her on the couch until she fell asleep. No big deal...I was thinking, "wow this is going to be easy." The next day was Sunday and she woke up TICKED... wondering where her paci was... I reminded her she was a Big Girl and she did not need a paci any more!!
She then informed me. "I want to be a baby!! I do not want to be a big girl!!!" Oh boy... here we go.
A few days went by and it was not fun for ANYONE!!! ...we limped along with no paci
It was literally like a drug with drawl one night!! She was shaking, sweating, crying, and could hardly breath! I was scared for her! Darin laid down with her until she fell asleep, around 11!!! I went in to check on her around midnight before we went to bed and she was still sniffing in her sleep. ((((HEARTBREAKING)))))
Then it was Monday and I had to tackle her and the absence of the paci all by myself!! It was absolutely awful!
She was a bear when she woke up! She just cried, threw fits, and was mean! Then it was nap time and boy oh boy... when I finally got her to sleep at 3 (nap time is normally 12) she slept maybe 15 minutes and woke up and was NOT HAPPY!
So I called Darin, because after 3 days of this I was at my wits end, and said..."we might need to give the paci back, but just at sleeping times!!" And that is what we have done.
We can all sleep and she is doing OK with the fact that she can only have Paci when she is in bed...All is well in her world again...
Our "baby" is 18 months old and has suddenly become MORE attached to the paci. I am dreading this day but I know it will come soon... we plan on waiting until after the move. Thanks for posting... glad to see we are not alone in this matter.
ha ha I know watcha mean by that SHE WANTS HER PACI ALL THE TIME!!!!!1
Lola Joy called hers a bb. We went cold turkey as well and she left her binky with the horses at the Dixie Stampede. It was so hard on a of us...good luck;)
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