Thursday, October 28, 2010

I took this from my friends blog :)

Perfectly said.....
So I wanted to share something that a long time client and dear friend said to me the other day that left me seriously just beaming, tears welling a bit in my eyes and thinking "Yes, Yes you are so right". We were talking of Ezra and how she came to us. She asked what we knew of her history and I said "We know nothing" and she said as she was walking out the door "Well, God does, He knows everything and he knew exactly what he was doing" with a lil wink and a big smile on her face she was off to enjoy the rest of her evening, and so was I.

We all know that God has a "plan" for us. God hand picks these children, and each child of every family has a different story, a different background-he knows exactly who will go with each family. Who knows-he may be "hand picking" one for you right now and you just don't know it. I'm glad that we do. I am stealing this quote from my girlfriends status from Facebook she posted the other day, and it couldn't be more perfect-

"Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend that they are not real until you hold them in your arms. But once you do-everything changes"-David Platt

This is from my dear friends Meggan's blog

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