Thursday, December 2, 2010


So much thanks to give! Thanks to our amazing God who time after time has provided. Darin and I started the process of adopting these 2 babies with hardly a dime in our savings. We had just brought Claire home 6 months before we signed back up with CCI. We did it afraid and with all of our hope in God and the stirring of the Holy Spirit in family, friends, and complete strangers. And God has shown Himself again! We placed 2nd in the adoption fundraiser through Ordinary Heros!!!! 2nd out of 54 families!! We were able to raise $1,170 WOW we are so humbled by the love of everyone who has supported us! THANK YOU!


Matt said...

Congatulations! Monica and I really like our t-shirts. News has made its way through the grapevine that I have some picture posting to do. I'll try to get that taken care of.

Jolene Shrock said...

Yes Matt I want to see my future son in law more. Totally joking but Yes I would love to see some pictures of your family!