Thursday, December 16, 2010

We made it to Ethiopia!!!

There is always something so surreal when you realize you are in the same town as your children. After waiting for them for 6 months we are literally only a few miles and a few minutes from them. But it is 3 am (7pm your time) unfortunately we have to be mindful of others sleeping. But all I really want to do it GO GET THEM! J Our travel went perfectly!!!! Thank you for all of the prayers! God is good all the time. We left South Bend Airport at 7 on the 14th and arrived in Ethiopia at 2AM on the 16th so with the 8 hour time change is was something like 23 hours of travel. The flight from Chicago was 11.5 hours and I took a nice little pill and when I woke up there was a lot of turbulence and I actually got sick 2 times!! I had never had motion sickness before but I think the pill making me sleep and all of the turbulence did something to me. Then from Istanbul we had a straight flight to Ethiopia. And that was about a 6 hour flight. Anyways we are here we are safe. I am so happy to be back in Ethiopia!

On a sad side, it was horrible to leave my baby Claire!!! I did really well until we had to go through the security screening, and actually walk away from her. I just could not help but let the tears roll. It was the sick hard lump in the throat, eyes burning that you can not control kind of cry. And once she could not see us any more I heard her say, MOOOMMY, mommy mommy….and she was crying hysterically. That was my worst fear…. And then I lost it again.
Well Darin is in the room trying to sleep and I really should try to sleep just a little too. We just heard that Alazar is picking us up between 8:30 and 9 am to go get our babies!!! I could not be more excited!

Sending all of my love and please continue to pray for our family.


Tracy said...
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Tracy said...

Yeah, so glad you made it safe and sound. Enjoy those babies!!!!! I deleted the last post because I had little hands helping me type and it made no sense!!! :)