Friday, January 14, 2011

We did not pass again.

Hi there. I just wanted to post a quick note that we did not pass court again. This is our second attempt. Our 1st court date was Dec 22nd. And yesterday morning we found out we did not pass again. And it seems like there was a misunderstanding with some paperwork and we are praying that there is some clarity soon so this can be resolved and we can pass court and then move on to trying to get through the US embassy... Thank you for all the prayers!


Holly said...

We are praying for you and your family!

Bonner Family said...

Hi Shrock family,

I got your prayer request off of the OH blog. I am sooo sorry to hear about your delays. We had 4 court appointments, so I completely understand how frustrating and saddening it can be. We also were the first ones in our agency to have to cancel our Embassy appt due to an orphan investigation. It was a hard time, and I had lots of "why" questions. Needless to say, that God held our family during that time (like He always does) and we've now been home with our beautiful son for almost 5 months. Now, it is all just a blur. Just said a prayer for God's peace and protection over Benjamin :)

Unknown said...

Hi Shrock family! I read about your story on the Ordinary Hero blog and just want you to know that we are lifting your family up in prayer through this disappointing time. We are still at the beginning of our process, waiting for our USCIS stuff and then to be put on the waiting list. I am resting in God's timing and praying that you are able to also.