Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Stella and Benjamin..here we come!

The time to celebrate has finally come!

This has been a stressful, long, hard journey! But doesn't it seem like when things are that way once it comes to an end it is just that much sweeter! So it is with absolute praise to our great and mighty God that I can FINALLY say we are leaving to get them!!! In a few hours we will be on a plane!!! (huge sigh)

As I am reflecting on the "journey" to Stella and Benjamin, the thing that is most astonishing is my pure peace. I know that is a peace that could not come from me. The most amazing peaceful feeling was after being in Ethiopia and spending 8 days with our children. I did not think I would have peace at all after meeting them and then having to leave them.
I can not put into words how much it took for us to lay our son back into his crib. That was not a peaceful feeling... He was in a room with many other babies and we were not sure the next time he would be held! And the kicker was we were totally capable and able to just take him home with us...but of course we all know that is not how it works. Yet, after the heart wrenching moments we experienced shortly after walking out of the orphanage, we were at peace. HOW?!?! ...Thank you Holy Spirit for the gift of peace. I would not of been possible to make it though on our own.

Our trip to ET will be full!! We will have 5 very full days and 2 days where nothing is planned! We will take one day and spend it at Bright Future. While we are there we will be spending time in the after school program there and with the people of that surrounding town. Day 2 will be our Gotcha DAY! We will pick up Stella and Ben and then just enjoy them and spend time with the other kids at the orphanages. Day three will be a long day of traveling and visiting, 4th day will be Church with Stella's orphanage, 5 will be Embassy days 6 and 7 are open. pheeeww I am tired just writing about it ;)

I am humbling asking for your prayers! Here is just a small list of specifics.

Health for us and our babies.

Safe travels

Please pray Stella and Ben receive us well

Pray for Claire to adjust OK and for protection over her while we are gone

Our great friend Emily is coming with us, Please pray for her that she is touched forever by this trip.

Thank you again for praying for us!

~ The Shrock Family

Darin, Jolene, Claire, Benjamin & Stella

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I have so many goosebumps reading this post. God is so good and I am so confident that He has been and will continue to be with you every step of the way. We will be praying and can't wait to welcome you and Darin, Ben and Stella home.
