Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Biggity Ben is 4!

He told me that he has been waiting for this day for a whole year! And to that I replied "yes, buddy you literally have!"
 Eatin' his mac and cheese birthday lunch. Ha.

 So today is pretty darn special to my little man, and to me too of course! My only son is getting to be a big boy and he is pretty darn proud of it!

He tells me almost daily that he wants to grow to be as tall as the ceiling! To that I say, "you have to eat healthy and get good nights sleep and one day you might be able to touch the ceiling! But trust me buddy, I don't think you want to be as tall as the ceiling, because then you might be too tall for me to hold your hand!" That always makes him stop for just for a second and think, but then he continues to say he willy (really) does want to be as tall as the ceiling. OK, buddy whatever you want!

So it is a special day and some family is coming over to celebrate. So I started making my pulled pork at 8 AM.

Then we headed to the grocery store to pick up a few things we need for the party. Like a box of funfetti cake mix...but this distracted momma of three wild ones accidentally picked up the funfetti box of COOKIES!

Which I did not realize until we were home and unpacked. So I decided to search google and see what it takes to make a cake from scratch and guess what... I had everything it takes to whip a cake. So that is what I did...who am I?!?!

Lately he has been loving the Incredible Hulk, why? I do not know but he does. So the hulk came and helped me decorate the dinning room during nap time! Ben is gonna freak! It is going to be a great night!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

It is so stinking easy...

"and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday." -
Isaiah  58: 10

Woooo, in my life that has been the Absolute TRUTH! My eyes have been opened wide! I have been to desperate orphanages, I hang out in a slum of one of the poorest countries in the world and have held hands, hugged and became friends to prostitutes and beggars. I have seen some of the most offensive, horrifying, and desperate living conditions in the world. And it makes my "night" (my bad days) undoubtedly shine like the noonday.

 But all I can think about in those seemingly desperate settings is "Wow, my friends living here have joy." And it is a Joy that can not be filled with money, TV, or other distractions! They are filled with Love, family, community! 

Every time I leave Ethiopia I make a commitment to live more communally, less materialistically. To live simply, like my friends in Ethiopia. I make a decision to come home with my focus wholeheartedly on the Love that our Father gives so unconditionally! And also to continue give generously to my friends in Ethiopia and to spend myself on behalf of them, because I know that that is where it is at!

And when I get home I try to do just that...

But, Dang It All! It is so stinking easy to fall back into wanting things you do not "have." To fall back Fast and sometime even MORE furiously then before! WHY IS THAT?!?! Why do we see what other people around us have and desire it SO BAD... why can't I constantly be thankful for what I do have and not just materialistically, but to be thankful for each and every one of my blessings... Why can't I settle on the fact that I am LOVED and I am alive and that is all I need!?!

Because, I know without a doubt that there is a constant battle for my heart.  And that battle is intense. So today, I choose Joy and a heart full of thankfulness! 

Will you join me today in being Thankful for what we do have and not desiring anything other then the Love of our Father?

Friday, April 4, 2014

Should I really be doing this?

Blogging again.

The things it takes to be a "good" blogger do not line up with who I am. 
 Organization. Thought. Consistency.
 I am not a photographer.  I might have a hard time actually finding time to write. 
And lets not mention the fact that my grammar is horrible! I mean honestly I should NEVER hit the {publish} button at the top of this page. But, I can not fight the unmistakable feeling that I should be sharing my heart again. 

Blogging was a great thing to do during the throws of adoption as it allowed for friends and family to stay up to date with our journey. But then the reality of having 3 kiddos at home and everything else that life had thrown at me took over. And so I stopped. 

But, here I am. Ready to go. Feeling refreshed. Excited to put it out there.  So follow, comment, and enjoy. I have no doubts that together were going to have ourselves a good time!