Wednesday, October 12, 2011

This bites!!!


Clearly pizza was not the right choice for a teething little Stella. She did not eat much of it. I kept trying to put little bites in her mouth and she kept pushing me away saying, "Nooooo!"
I just looked in her little mouth and sure enough she has 6 teeth on the top that just popped through and 2 on the bottom... You can see these sharp little white specks all over her gums...
No wonder she has not been so nice lately...
It all makes a bit more sense.

Some of the battle wounds from Stella teething include but are not limited to:

Big bit mark on Claire's middle finger. {If she shows you do not be offended she is just showing you her ouchy}
Big 'ol bump on my little mans head. Stella did not want him on "her" chair.
Constant screaming matches from the girls, which turn into hitting and then ='s scratches, bumps and bruises. {Seriously they are only 2 and 1 years old!! I can not imagine 18 more years of this!}

I think we are on the tail end of Stella teething though!!

I would truly appreciate prayers for my patience though all of this!

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